Saturday 27 February 2010

Barn Dance

I had a look at the village hall at Pratts Bottom and it looks great for a barn dance! I've contacted a friend from 25 years ago who has a barn dance band and he's checking with his fellow band members this weekend on the date. It looks like it could be the 5th of June. Yee hah !!!!!!!!!

I went to see the Community Champion in Tesco and she has said that I can do a collection in the store, so I've asked the HDA for collecting tins and balloons, and when they arrive I can set a date for the collection.

Tesco has also agreed to give me a voucher for About £40 so I think I may use that for paper plates etc for the barn dance.

I must admit, I've been in hibernation a bit - this cold and wet weather is not doing much for my motivation! I had planned a long walk with Helen on Sunday but the weather forecast says rain, rain, rain all day! Maybe we should go walking across the fields in the rain but I think I'll spend the day catching up with the chores at home so that when the weather is better I can concentrate more on the training.

I checked the website this morning and there are 28 people booked on my trek now. Mostly people from the Isle of Man, and quite a lot of couples. I sent a group email to make contact.

Charity Challenge has changed the date of the trek and have brought it forward 4 days, so I won't be up the mountain now on my birthday, I'll be travelling home. I think I'm a bit disappointed about that but I suppose it doesn't really matter :-(

In the first month of the project I have £865 on my justgiving page.

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