Tuesday 16 February 2010


Last Saturday I printed off instructions for a 6-mile walk from the internet and started off at Penshurst at 9am. I was a bit nervous because my sense of direction is absoultely rubbish and I was on my own. Instructions for cross-country walks are not always very clear but I did it and was relieved to see Penshurst House again after 2 and a half hours! The fields were muddy but at least it didn't rain.

I'm afraid to say that this was the only training I did last week and this weekend I was working then filming (up at 4am two mornings running and long days on set as an 'extra' in a forthcoming film called Burke and Hare).

I've spoken to a company about going up to Snowdonia for a training weekend and I think I'll book that.

Thanks to donations, I have 16% of my target already. That's £775.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to hold a barn dance this time and I'm going to look at a hall next Thursday. I have been in contact with a guy I knew about 25 years ago (thanks to facebook!) who has a barn dance band and he's kindly offered to do the gig for free, which is really good of him. I'll have to pay the other members of the band of course. Once I've seen the hall, if it's suitable I'll arrange a date. I'm quite excited about it actually, it's going to be lots of fun.

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