Tuesday 2 February 2010

Project Launch

Yesterday I 'launched' my project, by way of emails to everyone who sponsored me for The Great Wall of China Trek, and I had 8 donations go onto my Justgiving site.

Through 'Justgiving' I already have 10% of my £5,000 target.

It's a real confidence boost when the sponsorship starts to come in so Thank You to everyone for your support so early on.

I have a few fundraising ideas up my sleeve and I've started putting the wheels in motion. Watch this space!

I have a six month training plan which starts in April but already I'm doing bits and pieces to keep my fitness levels up. Last week I did a 30 minute jog, a mile swim and a 15 mile bike ride. I'm a bit saddle sore as I haven't been on a bike for about 18 months.

I'm starting to accumulate raffle prizes. I have a few really good ones already.

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